I purchased this bohemian, marigold and multi-color kimono at the beginning of the summer. Since then, I have worn it with mint accessories and navy for work and with pink for the weekend. There are so many colors that I can play with, though, I think I liked the casual look more. For the navy/work outfit, I wore a navy tank and pencil skirt and mint green shoes, a mint green statement necklace, mint green studs and mint green medallion earrings that went very well with the Bohemian pattern. For the pink/weekend version of the outfit, I wore marigold tie shorts, a pink tank and pink sandals with pink rose studs- to go with the flowers in the kimono this time, and a pink handbag. In both cases, I wore almost all the same makeup, except changed it up with an iridescent mint green and blue shadows and liners. Still- marigold shadow and light pink lipstick.
Kimono: TJ Maxx, $12.99
Skirt: Nordstrom Rack, $13 Shorts: TJ Maxx, $9.99
Heels: Amazon, $23 Sandals: The Shoe Store, clearance, $9
Necklace: Secret Snowflake gift Handbag: eBay, $6
-Studs: pack of 6, clearance, Rue 21 -eBay
-Medallions: Christmas gift from coworker
Ring: Rue 21, clearance, stackable set
Blue shadow: Avon
Marigold shadow: Tarte, Christmas gift
Pale green shadow: Ulta
Iridescent shadow: Sebastian, sample from
hair salon I worked at many many years ago!
Blue liner: given to me
Lipstick: Ulta
Work- minty Play- pinky