Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Fall Fashion Fan Fave

It's the first day of fall, so I wore my favorite Autumn outfit (despite my feelings on the season change). Apparently it isn't just my favorite outfit because I got a few good reactions today. :)
I wore an argyle skirt with a brown sweater vest and ruffly button down. For accessories, I wore a beaded strand necklace that matches the colors in the skirt and, then, handmade beaded earrings. I had three other pairs of earrings picked out, but went with these because they match the colors in the necklace and skirt and the argyle diamond shapes. I added a wooden bangle bracelet to go with the necklace and a camel belt to go with my shoes and matching argyle handbag. For makeup, I wore red lipstick, camel and brown eye shadow. For hair, I tried to mock this magazine clipping of a braid worked into a pony.

Skirt: have had for about 11 plus years
Blouse: Target, have had about 10 years
Vest: Wet Seal, have had about 10 years
Handbag: have had about 15 plus years
Belt: Gap, clearance, approx. $7
Necklace: Dots, about 10 years ago
Bracelet: "
Earrings: handmade for me for a birthday gift,

Makeup: All: Ulta, all free with min. purchases

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