Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Valentine's Colors Day 18💕

On Monday, I wore black high-waisted ankle pants with a black 3/4 tee and a cream, blush and purple floral wrap with blush ruffly booties. For accessories, I wore a blush, purple and gold tassle necklace with purple and gold beaded earrings, and blush and cream bangles. For makeup: pink and purple shadows with blush lipstick. 

Wrap and necklace: H&M, birthday gift a few years ago
Pants: NY&Co., sale, $35
Booties: The Show Store, $35
Bracelets: creamL holiday gifts years ago; blush: Rue 21, clearance
Earrings: given to and worn in wedding party
Makeup: shadow: Lancome, given to me from Aunt; lipstick: Ulta

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