Thursday, October 6, 2016

Bluh-ee Hell!

I had been wanting to wear these wide-leg dress pants since I hadn't worn them in a while. About a year ago, I was inspired by a magazine clipping (below) that had similar pants and v-cut shirt and, so I wore the same outfit again with the Ox-Blood shoes and all-- see Freaky Friday post. This time I added an off-white rose clip on a blazer since it's been cool in the morning. The rose matches the off-white lace on the scarf. For makeup: cream and black eye-shadows and maroon lip gloss. 

Scarf: $5, clearance, LTD commodities
Shirt: have had for about 8+ years
Pants: $7, clearance, TJ Maxx
Shoes: $15, clearance, Charlotte Russe

Earrings: have had for a few years; purchased on eBay along with a few other colors

 This outfit was originally inspired by:

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