Friday, October 21, 2016

Water Colors

I've been wanting to wear this fun necklace since I haven't worn it in a while. It goes well with this multi-color belt that came with a pair of jeans gifted to me many moons ago (I no longer have the jeans).Next, was just finding a solid shirt to wear and teal was the winner even though it didn't match perfectly. I wore two rings that match: a beaded blue and periwinkle ring and a periwinkle and pearl bead ring. For earrings, I wore wavy silver hoops to go with the wavy silver hoops on the necklace. I wore black ankle dress pants, black pumps (I love ankle pants with pumps!), and a white moto-zipper jacket for the cool morning and night. I wore periwinkle and dark blue eye shadows and teal eyeliner. 

Necklace: Van Heusen, NH Outlets, about 5-6 years ago
Belt: came with jeans that were a gift years ago
Rings: Blue & Periwinkle: a local fair years ago; Periwinkle: Alaskan gift shop, $1
Earrings: given to me fro Aunt
Top: hand-me-down from co-worker/friend
Makeup: Periwinkle: NYC, CVS; Navy: Avon; Eyeliner: Ulta, free with purchase

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