Monday, November 16, 2015

Arsty Fartsy

Today I wore this new jersey duster I got recently on clearance. I wore a scarf to match and then shoes to match the scarf. I wore olive green and deep brown eye shadows and maroon lip gloss to go with the scarf, as well. This outfit really needed a belt, but better to not wear one if you don't have one that matches. I kept my earrings simple because I find that, when I wear too much dangle with this scarf, it makes me look too artsy. 

Duster: $8.50, Ltd. Commodities, clearance
Scarf: given to me
Shoes: $15-19, Charlotte Russe, sale
Earrings; $3.99, Burlington Coat Factory, set of three
Makeup: Shadows: all Ulta, free with purchase; Gloss: Avon from years ago

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