Friday, September 10, 2021

My aunts feed into my addiction

This teal and cream print skirt and seashell/aquatic necklace generally only make it out once a year and only during the summer. With them this time, I wore a teal cardigan and aqua tee with beige heel sandals, a beige belt, a beige handbag and matching knot headband. And, in case the noisy necklace wasn't enough, I added another teal and aqua beaded necklace. For makeup: cream and teal shadows with a teal liner. 

Skirt and cardigan: hand-me-downs from Godmother
Shell necklace: Talbots or Chico's, given to me from Godmother
Beaded necklace: given to me from Aunt
Shoes: Amazon, $14-20
Handbag: Rue 21, $7? 
Belt: Rue 21?, clearance
Headband: given to me from Aunt, set of 10 asstd. colors
Makeup: Ulta

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